Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Shining

This is possibly the creepiest movie I've ever seen. But I really wouldn't have cared if the mom died because well, she's a moron. The husband's all freaky. I counted at least 10 instances where I was yelling at her to"Leave now before he kills you". But she couldn't do that. She had to wait until he went all psycho and tried to kill her then she started to think "Hmmm. Maybe me and Danny should get the hell out of here." So i was all for the mom dying. She was so dumb and would have deserved it. But the one guy I liked (the cook) he dies. He was the only normal one in the movie. I was seriously screaming at the TV when I saw that he died. And the little boy, well his parents should have noticed something was wrong with him (but they were all busy with their own psycho problems.) I'm just saying that if the main characters in the movie listened to me they would all be perfectly fine now. But I guess that would defeat the purpose.

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