Thursday, January 13, 2011

Stupid People

Unless you're one of those people who doesnt understand the funniness of watching other people get hurt, you've probably seen a video on youtube or America's funniest home videos of some moron trying to fly or skateboard up a telephone pole. Then they end up falling down and breaking their arm and we're all sitting at home like"Mom! Dad! Troll who lives in the attic! Come watch this idiot try something stupid! Haha! He fell! Cool he broke his arm! Let's watch it in slow motion." I mean you think that people would learn by now. If there's a camera around DON'T TRY ANYTHING DUMB. To all the dad's of the world: If you're playing baseball with your kid and Mommy's over there filming you have to know where that ball's gonna come flying to. And even if you do succed at doing that awesome skateboard trick, you aren't going to become famous from it. No TV show is going to say "Look at this super amazing person. Wow folks wasn't that just the greatest video you have ever seen?". Sorry to crush your hopes and dreams but you can forget about that ever happening. But if you try to do your skateboarding flip and fall off a cliff, you have a chance of appearing on America's funniest home videos or at least

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