Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fainting Goats

These goats are not animals you wanna mess with. You scare them and they can play dead better than well, a goat who is actually dead. Just Kidding. Apparently these goats have a condition that causes their mustle to tighten when they get scared or excited. And I'm sorry to all you fainting goats out there reading this, but this is pretty darn funny.
Click this link to see them in action:

See wasn't that funny? I fell sorry for the little guy though cause you know what he's thinking.

Gaot-Yay food! I can't wait to see what we're going to eat. Ah crap.

And I have a friend who is afraid of spiders and I like to point them out to her to watch her freak out so this goat's buddies are probably like:

Goat Buddy- Hey Bobby! Time to eat!
Bobby-Yay! Awesome *Falls* Screw you guys.
Goat Buddy- Hey Chuck! Come see what I made Bobby do.
Chuck-Haha *Whips out iPhone* I'm gonna show this to everyone.
Bobby- %^&*@

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