Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You are not my best friend.....Sorry

Something that kinda annoys me is when you break your leg or your cat dies or you have a fight with some kid in you math class who was throwing pencils at your head, all of a sudden you have twenty people crowding around you making you claustrophobic. All you want to do is get your favorite fuzzy blue pen frm your locker and get to homeroom but these kids have other plans. They want to hear everything.
"How did you fall down the stairs?"
"What do you mean how did I fall down the stairs? I tripped and fell down."

"I'm so sorry, Do you miss your cat?"
"Nope I'm over here having a party...Woohoo Fluffy's finally dead."

"I always thought she was mean anyway."
"It was a boy."

And these kids aren't even your friends. They've never even talked to you. They're the kids who sit ten seats down from you in your art class who always acted like they were too good for you. But when something sucky in your life happens, they're ready to fight off rabid squirrels for you and help you through this tough time. So thanks for all the sympathy but you aren't my best friend. Now move out of my way so I can get my fuzzy pen.

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